Hello everyone near and far,
BCQP 2014 is coming up this weekend: 1600z Feb 1 to 0400z Feb 2.
BC stations give RS(T) + federal electoral district
Out-of-BC stations give RS(T) + province/state/DX
BC stations, you can contact anyone anywhere. Q potential is huge,
especially if you CQ. Stations outside BC, you are on a treasure hunt
to find as many BC stations as you can.
Regardless of where you are, the rewards for getting on the air are as
varied as your locations, and the Qs you make may be ones that create
memorable moments for radio amateurs new to our hobby.
Tangible Rewards
Certificates: Photo-based certificates and Orca-themed trinkets for
top scores in every mode and power class
Plaques: Stations outside BC have a chance at six plaques: Top Score
Canada outside BC, Top YL Score, Top Score US, Most Federal Electoral
Districts Worked, Top Rookie (new) and Top DX (new)
Resources — BCQP homepage ishttp://orcadxcc.org/bcqp.html
One-page summary of same-day events and required
*Nice to have on hand if you’re playing in several same-day QSO parties.
Bonus points can make a difference! Listen for the sponsor station
VA7ODX on digital, CW and SSB.
Hope to hear you. We’ll have a(nother) whale of a good time!
73 and GL,
Rebecca VA7BEC
Orca DXCC, Contest Coordinator, BCQP