Remember Hand Held radios are prohibited devices in B.C.

Police Forces in BC continue to enforce the Distracted Driver Legislation. The stats in the attached website are for five hours.  Many folks in the amateur community worked very long and hard to get the exemption we currently enjoy,. Please make sure not to use a handheld or portable  device while driving. We don’t need to loose the exemption we currently enjoy.


Below is a statement on the activation of the Hurricane Net.  For the complete statement please go to

The Hurricane Watch Net will begin net operations at 11:00 AM EDT – 1600 UTC Sunday, September 15th on our primary net frequency of 14.325.00 MHz in response to Ingrid, forecast to be a Category 1 Hurricane at that time.  In addition to hurricane force winds, Ingrid is forecast to bring about 10 to 15 inches of rain over a large part of eastern Mexico with isolated amounts of 25 inches possible, especially in areas of mountainous terrain. These rains are likely to result in life-threatening flash flood and mud slides.

The Hurricane Watch Net wishes to thank all parties for allowing us the use of the frequency and allowing a clear space to conduct our net during this dangerous event!

As a special note to those who monitor when the net is active, we ask that you please honor our request for you remain quiet unless specifically called upon for assistance.