The positive momentum of the past couple of years has become a welcome trend. The log submission deadline for BCQP 2014 is still a couple weeks off — March 31, 2014 — but a glance at submitted logs and comments from participants indicate another whale of a good time, especially for BC operators who called CQ. Many submitted logs have at least 100 Qs but some have far, far more than that. It doesn’t really matter if a log has five or 500 Qs. BCQP is an opportunity to get on the air, try out some operating strategies and just have fun.
Here are some highlights:
• About 120 BC operators were on the air, either on their own or in teams.
• 32 out of 36 districts were activated
• And as of mid-March, the log count stands at 120, comprising 35 from BC, 79 from outside BC and six check logs.
• Active participation is expanding, substantiated by a wider geographical range in the logs submitted so far.
• Again this year, more logs have more Qs.