Invitation to All Amateur Radio Operators …Consultation on Federal Regulatory Issues of Interest to Amateurs..

The Radio Amateurs of Canada meets on a regular basis with Industry Canada on issues of interest to amateur radio operators. Over the years issues such as requirements for operator certification, amateur 60M access, the need for a exam/question bank update, items for inclusion in World Radio Conferences, antenna management issues, spectrum intrusion and other matters have been raised with Industry Canada by RAC.

The Radio Amateurs of Canada is seeking input from amateur radio operators on developing an inventory of issues that should be raised with Industry Canada for resolution. The Radio Amateurs of Canada represents and advocates for all amateurs to our federal regulator but provides services to our members only.

You input can be by email or hardcopy. Items raised by amateurs may be published in RACReport with personal identifiers removed.

RAC is looking for your immediate input. Email and hardcopy to be sent to our office.

720 Belfast Road. Unit 217
Ottawa ON K1G 0Z5

Geoff Bawden, VE4BAW
President and Chair, Radio Amateurs of Canada.