RAC Bulletin 2011-039E – Radio Amateurs of Canada Executive for 2012-2013
It gives me great pleasure to announce your incoming Radio Amateurs of Canada Executive members for 2012-2013.
RAC President – Geoff Bawden, VE4BAW
First Vice President – Ian MacFarquhar, VE9IM
Chief Field Services Officer – Doug Mercer, VO1DM
Chief Information and Technology Officer – James Hay, VE2VE
International Affairs Officer – George Gorsline, VE3YV
Regulatory Affairs Officer – Bill Gade, VE4WO
RABC Representative Officer – Norm Rashleigh, VE3LC
Honourary Legal Counsel – Marcel Mongeon, VA3DDD
Corporate Secretary – Paul Burggraaf, VO1PRB
There were no candidates for Treasurer, Public Information Officer or the Member Services Officer positions. I would like to thank Nominations Committee Chairperson Ed Frazer VE7EF and the RAC Directors for their assistance in the Executive nomination and election process.
Congratulations are extended to the Executive members above and thank you for your service and willingness to step forward for the national organization.
On behalf of the Board of the Radio Amateurs of Canada, I wish to express a sincere “Thank You and Happy Retirement from the RAC” to VPIA Daniel Lamoureux, VE2KA for his many years of dedicated service in numerous roles to the RAC. Last but not least, a sincere “Thank You” to VPRA Richard Ferch, VE3KI for his three terms keeping the regulatory side on the forefront and to Treasurer Margaret Tidman, VA3VXN for taking on the financial reigns the past two years.
Paul Burggraaf VO1PRB
RAC Corporate Secretary