RAC Bulletin 2012-001E – Trustee wanted for Defence of Amateur Radio Fund (DARF)

RAC Bulletin 2012-001E – Trustee wanted for Defence of Amateur Radio Fund (DARF)

RAC is looking for a person to fill the recently vacated trustee position in DARF. The DARF trustee must be a licensed amateur and may not be an officer, employee, director or agent of RAC. DARF is a Trust Fund established in the early 90’s to provide financial support for travel expenses of an Amateur representative on the Canadian delegation to World Radio Conferences to defend the Amateur Radio Bands.

The World Radio Conferences occur under the aegis of the International Telecommunications Union, a United Nations agency responsible for information and communication technologies and managing the radio spectrum. Moving the short wave broadcasting allocation out of the 40 Metre band was accomplished at a WRC and was a major victory for amateur radio.

As a Trust, DARF’s role is to raise and manage donated funds. These funds can only be used for the stated purposes. All decisions by the trustees must be unanimous to ensure that the purpose of the DARF trust is upheld. Funds are held in a trust account at a major chartered bank and can only be withdrawn with two of three trustees. signatures. The current trustees are Gerry Hohn, VE6LB, Dave Snydal, VE4XN, and one vacancy. DARF has no policy role. The Board of Directors of RAC set policy and nominates the amateur representative on the Canadian delegation.

If you are interested please provide your name and a brief resume [no more than 500 words in French or English] email communication preferred to:

Paul Burggraaf, VO1PRB
51 Greenspond Drive
St. Johns NL, A1E 5Z9

Geoff Bawden VE4BAW
President and Chairman – Radio Amateurs of Canada