Category Archives: Training


The US Military is moving its morse code training sites. For more information go to

Tech. Sgt. Ryan N. Kilcrease’s quote:

“Morse will never fully go away as long as it remains the cheapest, most reliable way to communicate”

If you listen to the CW (a.k.a. Morse code) portions of the ham radio bands, you’ll hear that CW is still very much alive and well. It is an incredibly reliable and robust communications medium.  As we CW operators say: “CW always gets through!”

The Great British Columbia Shakeout!

October 18th, 2012



Get Ready to ShakeOut!

Join BC on October 18th, 21012 @ 10:18 and practise your earthquake safety.  Get your family, friends, and co-workers to
Please visit to learn more on how to be prepared for the big one.DROP! COVER! & HOLD ON![/important]

Continue reading The Great British Columbia Shakeout!

Central Okanagen Emergency Communications Team

The emergency radio team in the Central Orkanagen has had a busy spring and will have a busy fall.  The spring activities includedthe installation of D-Star in their emergency operations centre, as well as  Unity 2012. Unity 2012 was a table top exercise held at the University of British Columbia- Central Okanagen.  There are more plans for exercises in the fall.  For a look at a very interesting and informative website go to