The following information is from the VE100VIMY website at
The operations from the Canadian VIMY war memorial site will commence 0000z April 1 and continue to April 10 with 17 operators and 2 stations operating multi-mode from 160 to 10m as band conditions allow.
TM100VIMY will be the call sign used by the operation at VIMY as, about a decade ago, Canada agreed that French law would apply to the VIMY site. North American operators should be aware that the IARU region 1 band plan will be used. This primarily affects the following: 160m is 1.8 to 1.85 MHz, 80m is 3.5 to 3.75 MHz, 40m is 7.0 to 7.2 MHz,
The operations are not open to the public due to security restrictions and our agreements with the agencies involved.
If your group is planning on a public (special event, press) demonstration of a contact with TM100VIMY, please contact so that we can discuss how to make your event a success.
Note that the radio club F8KHW from the town of HARNES (62) will activate portable, Saturday, 08 April 2017, all day, on VHF (relay of ARTOIS 145.687.5 and BLU), HF (40 and 20 m) voice, maybe CW and PSK on WAILLY LES ARRAS (62), near Arras, to commemorate the centenary of the battle of ARRAS which took place jointly with that of VIMY, on 09 April 1917 during WW1.