Google Public Alerts is Google’s new platform for disseminating emergency messages such as evacuation notices for hurricanes, and everyday alerts such as storm warnings. We aim to show relevant weather, public safety and earthquake alerts from the US National Weather Service, and the US Geological Survey (USGS) when you search on Google Search, Google Maps, and when you activate Google Now on your Android device.
Google Public Alerts is a project of the Google Crisis Response team, supported by, which uses Google’s strengths in information and technology to build products and advocate for policies that address global challenges. We hope Google Public Alerts provides the public with information it needs to make informed decisions in times of crisis.
While we can’t guarantee that you’ll see every alert when using Google services we’re doing our best to show what’s important when you need it, and hope that Google Public Alerts is a useful additional source of information. We’re working hard to improve what you see and would appreciate your feedback, which you can provide using the “Feedback” links on the alert details pages and on
[notice],-40.338297,18.318913,-175.689859&z=4 to see current public notices[/notice]