RAC Canada Day Contest 2020 Report:
The RAC Canada Day Contest 2020 Results and Soapbox are now available on the RAC website.
Here is a short introduction:
“With Canada Day falling on a Wednesday this year and the COVID-19 pandemic having an impact worldwide, it was gratifying to see so many still able to participate in the RAC Canada Day Contest.
While not being a holiday outside of Canada we thank those that took the time to join us in the celebration and exchanging greetings.
With over 735 participants it was the one of the best ever turnouts in recent years despite the ongoing poor solar conditions and resulting propagation.
Our thanks to all those who participated and we hope you all have been staying as safe as possible during this very trying time. With that bit of introduction, on with the detailed results!”
For the complete report please visit the RAC website at:
As always, you can find all the contest rules and entry forms at:
Don’t forget the RAC Canada Winter Contest 2020 is this weekend!
– 73, RAC Contest Managers
Bart Ritchie, VE5CPU and Sam Ferris, VE5SFAlan Griffin
RAC MarCom Director