[RAC-Bulletin] Thank you for attending the RAC AGM and thank you MAARC!

Thank you Moncton Area ARC!

Radio Amateurs of Canada held its biennial Planning Meeting in Riverview, New Brunswick (near Moncton) on Thursday, September 12 and Friday, September 13 and it was attended by members of the entire RAC Board and Executive.

On Saturday, September 14, RAC officials then enjoyed the Moncton Area Amateur Radio Club’s annual Fleamarket. The RAC Annual General Meeting was held immediately following the Fleamarket and in the words of the MAARC it was “a huge success!” (see below). 

RAC would like to thank everyone who attended the AGM in person or via Webinar. We hope to see you again next year.

Special thanks are extended to the Moncton Area Amateur Radio Club for being such great hosts and for presenting us with the Certificate of Appreciation shown above.


The Moncton Area Amateur Radio Club posted the following on its website at the conclusion of the RAC Annual General Meeting and we are pleased to share it with you:

“Today, the Moncton Area Amateur Radio Club (MAARC) had the privilege of hosting the 2019 Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) Annual General Meeting in Riverview, New Brunswick. In attendance were various members of RAC led by President, Glenn MacDonell (VE3XRA). Also in attendance was the President of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), Rick Roderick (K5UR).

Today’s meeting saw approximately 50 local attendees with the event also being streamed live to other Hams around the world. During the event, special guests were presented with various plaques to commemorate the occasion.

Several RAC members gave those in attendance and on stream various presentations covering financials, a review of RAC activities during the past year and also a special message from ARRL President Rick Roderick (K5UR).

Several presentations were also given by local MAARC members which included Denis (VE9MUD) presenting a review of MAARC History, JP (VE9BK) presenting a review of CARG and Yvon (VE1VON) presenting an overview of the new Fusion Repeater and site. At the end of the meeting, those attending were treated to a Q&A session.

MAARC would like to thank Radio Amateurs of Canada for choosing to have their AGM in our area and we hope to see them return again soon. A special thanks to all those who volunteered to help make the RAC AGM a success.”

Thank you MAARC for the kind words and for hosting such a great event! Stay tuned to the RAC website for additional photos as they are submitted to us.

A photo gallery is also available on the MAARC website at:

Alan Griffin
RAC MarCom Director