For well over a decade the Radio Amateurs of Canada has been seeking out insurance for members and affiliated amateur radio clubs. Many clubs view this service as one of the major benefits that RAC provides. From time to time RAC has gone to the market to find the best cost/benefit for its members. We are pleased to advise that through our broker AON we have new a carrier (Intact Insurance) and that costs will not increase for 2015. Currently insured clubs have received renewal forms and will be invoiced upon receipt of the forms by our office.

This program is primarily run by RAC volunteers and RAC would like to thank Jerry VE3EXT for his expertise and hard work in working with our broker to get the best deal for RAC clubs.

Affiliated Clubs: Please contact Frank at the RAC office if we missed sending you a renewal notice.(frank@rac.ca, 1-877-273-8304)) Over 40 Clubs have sent in their information to date.

Glenn MacDonnell, VE3XRA

Vice President Radio Amateurs of/du Canada


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