Radio Relay International and the Alaska Earthquake Nov 30 2018

Radio Relay International has established a response to the Alaska Earthquake

To: All RRI Registered Radio Operators

Fm: James Wades (WB8SIW) – RRI National Emergency Communications Coordinator

Bulletin – Alaska Earthquake (302115Z Nov 2019)

As you likely know by now, the Anchorage, Alaska area experienced a significant earthquake. At present, we do not know the extent of communications outages or requirements for outgoing message traffic.

RRI Eastern Area Coordinator Jeff Miller (WB8WKQ) has established communications with Ed Trump (AL7N), Alaska STM, on the RRI 20-meter IATN CW frequency. Ed reports that some Alaska emergency nets are now being mobilized to support emergency response operations.

Until we know more about the extent of any communications outages, we respectfully request that RRI Registered Radio Operators take the following steps:

1. IATN CW operators are asked to maintain a watch on 14115 kHz day and 7115 kHz (alt. 3540 khz) night. Of particular importance are IATN operators located in the RRI Western Area, many of whom maintain schedules with AL7N on a routine basis. Until we know more, we are not going to specify a schedule or assign operators to a duty roster. Please monitor the IATN frequencies when available to do so. Other frequencies may be activated if specific needs are identified.

2. Over the past two years, RRI personnel have worked closely with the Alaska ARES organization. Alaska ARES maintains liaison with the traffic system via the RRI CW gateway at Fairbanks. They also have an excellent cadre of Winlink equipped operators distributed throughout the State. Therefore, we also ask that both Digital Traffic Stations and Winlink-RRI Liaison stations increase connect frequency over the next 24-hours.

3. The RRI National Emergency Communications Response Plan (Draft) recommends that notice be given to the National Emergency Communications Coordinator or other senior RRI personnel if communications support is requested. Please inform us if networks are currently being used to convey operational or welfare traffic. This data is helpful to determine appropriate staffing levels.

A follow-up bulletin will be issued at approximately 011300Z Dec 2018 unless subsequent developments require interim bulletins.

Thank you!

Link to RRI National Emergency Communications Response Plan (Draft):…/RRI-NECRP-Draft-Release-Reduced-Si…