All posts by va7mpg

RAC BULLETIN – Canadian Hall of Fame Appointments.

Don Dashney VE3RM (SK) and George Spencer VE3AGS (SK) appointed to Hall of Fame

The Board of Trustees of the Canadian Amateur Radio Hall of Fame is pleased to appoint Don Dashney VE3RM (SK) of L’Orignal, ON and George Spencer VE3AGS (SK) of Jordan (St. Catherines), ON to the Hall of Fame for 2014.  The families of the two appointees will receive this postumous award in early 2015.  A summary of their contributions to amateur radio will be published in The Canadian Amateur magazine. Both appointees are Silent Keys.

The appointments are to recognize amateurs for outstanding achievement and for sustained service to amateur radio in Canada, or amateur radio at large. The Board of Trustees consists of an amateur radio representative from each province of Canada, appointed by the Directors of Radio Amateurs of Canada..

Ed Frazer VE7EF
Chair, Board of Trustees
Canadian Amateur Radio Hall of Fame
Radio Amateurs of Canada


Due to family commitments I was not able to spend a lot of time on the radio participating in this contest on the weekend.  However, the time I did spend on the bands was worth more to me than winning the contest.  I won’t mention call signs, because I am sure these were not the only occasions. What these events did do is remind me what ham radio is all about.

On two different bands in the heat of the contest a “well oiled , rapid fire station” answered the call of someone who was new to this contest or maybe even contesting.  In each case the operator at the “well oiled” station slowed everything down, took the time to explain the system, and answer any questions the new comer had. The operators were courteous, patient and polite.Once the issue had been dealt with, the contact logged, and questions answered with it was back to full steam.

It was truly nice to hear that for once that ” it wasn’t all about me” and points came second to common courtesy.   To the operators  that did this  great work. To the rest of us, a gentle reminder of what ham radio is all about.



For well over a decade the Radio Amateurs of Canada has been seeking out insurance for members and affiliated amateur radio clubs. Many clubs view this service as one of the major benefits that RAC provides. From time to time RAC has gone to the market to find the best cost/benefit for its members. We are pleased to advise that through our broker AON we have new a carrier (Intact Insurance) and that costs will not increase for 2015. Currently insured clubs have received renewal forms and will be invoiced upon receipt of the forms by our office.

This program is primarily run by RAC volunteers and RAC would like to thank Jerry VE3EXT for his expertise and hard work in working with our broker to get the best deal for RAC clubs.

Affiliated Clubs: Please contact Frank at the RAC office if we missed sending you a renewal notice.(, 1-877-273-8304)) Over 40 Clubs have sent in their information to date.

Glenn MacDonnell, VE3XRA

Vice President Radio Amateurs of/du Canada