Category Archives: Prepared

Earthquake Actions for Individuals With Disabilities

Please download this PDF and post it in your, home, work place, and school.  To learn more about the 2016 Great British Columbia ShakeOut  follow @ShakeOutBC on Twitter.

ShakeOut BC

Don’t forget to sign up and join CECA an thousands of others as we practice Drop Cover & Hold On on October 20, 2016


Emergency Preparedness Week May 1 – 7, 2016


Please join us in using this week as a reminder to be prepared.  The wildfire season has come with a vengeance and many communities have had to implement mandatory evacuations, as well as shelter-in-place advisories.  Are you ready?

Here are some resources that you can use to plan for your family safety:

Wildfire Information

Earthquake Information



Did you feel it? #BCQuake

If you felt last night’s quake please go to: Natural Resources Canada and fill out their questionnaire.  This information will help plan for future earthquakes.

There are no reports of damage or injuries following a moderate earthquake that struck near Victoria late Tuesday.

The quake struck at 11:39 p.m. PST about 20 kilometres north of Victoria and was felt across much of southern British Columbia.

Natural Resources Canada said the quake measured 4.3 while the U.S. Geological Survey placed the magnitude at 4.8.

The Canadian agency said there were no reports of damage, adding that none would be expected.

From The Globe and Mail



Get your Vehicle Emergency Kit Ready

From here are the items that you will need in your vehicle for driving in adverse conditions, and in the event of an earthquake.

A basic kit should include:

  • Blanket
  • Candle in a deep can and matches
  • Extra clothing and shoes
  • First aid kit with seatbelt cutter
  • Flashlight (crank or battery-powered). Replace batteries once a year.
  • Food that won’t spoil (such as energy bars) List of contact numbers
  • Radio (crank or battery-powered). Replace batteries once a year.
  • Small shovel, scraper and snowbrush
  • Warning light or road flares
  • Water
  • Whistle

Recommended additional items to keep in your vehicle:

  • Antifreeze, windshield washer fluid
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Road maps
  • Sand, salt or cat litter (non-clumping)
  • Tow rope and jumper cables

Get the full brochure here: yprprdnssgd-eng

Follow @DriveBC for up to date road conditions

Follow @ShakeOutBC for earthquake awareness education.